Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are the backbone of the Nashville Adult Literacy Council. Our programs depend on dedicated, patient, and compassionate volunteers. Our main volunteer opportunities include tutoring with both our English Language and Literacy learners. Tutoring entails training, being matched with a learner, and consistent commitment to that learner over at least three months.
“Before I started the class in August, I didn’t have much vocabulary. Now, I have more vocabulary and can have small conversations in English.”
ELL Tutoring
Volunteers are matched with an English Language Learner for one-on-one tutoring. Training is provided. Pairs are matched based on availability and other preferences. There are virtual and hybrid volunteer opportunities to meet a variety of needs.
Literacy Tutoring
We are always looking for dedicated volunteers to help our literacy learners. We provide training and match you with a suitable learner based on schedules and other information. Remote and in-person options are available.
Other Opportunities
From time to time, we have other needs for volunteers. Please contact info@nashvilleliteracy.org if you would like to volunteer for these specific services:
Want to help without volunteering? We are always accepting monetary donations in any amount. Advocating for our learners with friends and family through social media is also incredibly helpful! Make sure to follow our pages and like, comment on, and share our posts!
If you have any questions about volunteer, funding, or advocacy opportunities not listed here, reach out to info@nashvilleliteracy.org.